Guneet K. Hayer

Managing Director

The lady with a plan that runs the show, prepares for success and leads our team is non-other than our Managing Director Guneet.
Born and brought up in a Punjabi family her experiences of ‘A big Fat Indian Wedding’ just keeps adding to the glamour and perfection that one would have not even thought of.  She is a true adventure junkie who has seen it all like White water rafting, Desert Safari, Tiger Sighting, Bungee jumping, Sky diving from 30000 ft etc.. you name an adventure sport and she has done it. Never be afraid of untraveled roads & keep learning more is what made her an ardent traveller and a successful businesswoman too.
The zeal to try newer things and always be updated on what’s trending on social media keeps her abreast of fresh ideas and innovations. Her mantra in life is simple,“ You are a human, not a tree so keep travelling and keep learning. As life is short so make the most of it.”


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